November 8, 2000

Dear Family and Friends:

We thank our heavenly Father for giving us this miracle.  He has revealed to us His glory and power through the healing of precious Madison. Many of you have faithfully prayed for 15 months…  God has once again, heard and answered us.  We also thank Him for providing our entire family with the grace to endure our trial.  As promised in His word, it was in direct proportion to our need.

We rejoice with you and give God  -  our ultimate Healer – the glory for our MIRACLE!  We thank Him, the giver of all good gifts for placing an incredible medical team in our path and providing them with wisdom and discernment… for producing the technology, for guiding the surgeon’s hands and for creating the protocol for hepatoblastoma.  All of these are gifts from God.  We ask Him to bless abundantly – all those who, in some fashion, touched Madison’s life in a positive way… the doctors, nurses and thousands of family members and friends from around the globe who were faithful to us in prayer. 

We sincerely thank all who have contributed to Madison’s recovery.  We ask that you please continue as His word instructs, to pray without ceasing… We must continue to lift Madison up in prayer… for her continued good health.

With love and gratitude,

Steve, Kathy, Mikayla, Ashley and Madison